
Monday, January 3, 2011

Dress Doubt Disorder

Diagnostic Criteria for Dress Doubt DisorderUnsure


A diagnosis of dress doubt disorder is made when the following criteria from A, B, and C are met.
  1. A total of six (or more) items from (1), (2), and (3), with at least two from (1), and one each from (2) and (3):

    1. Qualitative impairment in cognition, as manifested by at least two of the following, one of which must include (a):
      1. extreme feelings of doubt or uncertainty regarding dress decision
      2. marked impairment in or decreased thoughts of topics other than dress
      3. failure to attend to topics other than dress
      4. increased cognition directed solely toward dress
      5. lack of insight into rational processes regarding dress

    2. Qualitative impairments in social emotional behavior as manifested by at least one of the following:
      1. increased anxiety regarding dress that can be exhibited by nail biting, lack of sleep, physical pain, headaches, crying, and/or irritability
      2. marked impairment in ability to trust others who were previously deemed trustworthy fashion advisers
      3. extremely labile mood exhibited by twirling in dress and then quickly crying while still wearing said dress (or other similar behaviors)
      4. inability to be soothed or calmed about dress decision

    3. Restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interest, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the following:
      1. encompassing preoccupation with dresses, both one's own and others
      2. repetitive thoughts and/or language regarding dress
      3. repetitive behaviors regarding dresses (as evidenced by trying dress on or reading magazines with known high dress counts)
      4. persistent preoccupation with parts of dresses, such as lace boleros, sashes, trains, veils, as well as dress styles and fashion trends

  2. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

  3. The disturbance is not better accounted for by Buyer's Remorse Disorder.
Research shows that between 10% and 70% of brides suffer from some degree of dress doubt disorder. Treatment usually involves multiple repetitive conversations with attempts to placate the bride, with limited results. Anti anxiety pills are sometimes prescribed, as well as cognitive behavioral therapy. In some extreme cases, exposure or in-vivo therapy is indicated.

Have you suffered from DDD? I think I might have it....


  1. Uh oh! For me, I bought my dress so close to the wedding there was no time to look back and regret. Sounds like DDD is pretty bad :(

  2. Oh man, I totally have! I kept going back and forth between so many dresses and asking so many friends their opinions!

  3. Um, yes. Big time--I had MAJOR commitment issues. I don't know what my deal is! I bought the dress about 8 months before the wedding, had doubts the next week. We're at 6 weeks our now and I'm STILL having doubts. Ugh. I need to get over it and realize my dress is awesome.

  4. @ every little kiss: I know, right?!? Our dresses ARE awesome (I mean, I haven't seen yours but I'm sure it is). There's just something about the dress that is daunting and causes doubt and despair. And alliteration too!

  5. I'm going through it right now...and it stinks! So far I have two dresses and I'm looking at a third. I may need an intervention.
